Tuesday, September 05, 2006

August 2006 - Rome, Italy - Gelato, Jewish Ghetto & Jazz

We only spent a couple of days in Rome this week. We still managed to find Giolitti (supposedly the best gelateria in Rome), tour the Jewish Ghetto and make it out to Villa Torlonia for a piano concert.

Jewish Ghetto
We took an evening walk through through the Jewish ghetto made up of 2 1/2 acres of short buildings which housed over 2 thousand jews during the Spanish inquisition. The ghetto contains a majestic white synagogue surrounded by wonderful italian kosher restaurants.
The ghetto abutts to the Teatro Marcello to the north and the Tiber river to the south. The Teatro built in the 1st century A.D. contains temples to Roman Gods.

Villa Torlonia

We attended an evening piano concert at Villa Torlonia which looks like a gingerbread house with an elaborate display of stained glass windows. The inside of the Villa has been turned into a stained glass museum while the outside is frequently used for summer concerts. As you can see the kitties in Rome are quite cultured and this particular kitty sat through quite a bit of the piano concert.

The front grounds of the Villa contains Roman ruins.

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