Wednesday, October 04, 2006

August 2006 - Bournemouth, England - The Wedding

From Bath we travelled to Bornemouth for Melissa and Amit's wedding festivities. The stags were reunited so you can imagine it was one long party. The Nayaks hosted a dinner the night before the wedding giving the best man an opportunity to practice his oratory skills.
The ceremony was in the gothic cathedral of Bournemouth. The church was absolutely beautiful and it is famous for housing Mary Shelley's (author of Frankenstein) tomb.

Casandra and Kenny all dolled up.

The Nayaks pose for a family picture.

The ladies stop to take a photo in tribute to Dana Dynamite who couldn't join us in Bournemouth.

The bride and groom arrive at the reception in their chauffered coach.The reception was set in a beautiful English garden.The boys can't help but look cool. Kenny and the most beautiful girl in England. The groom shows off his Michael Jackson.

April and Raj get down!!

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