Saturday, February 10, 2007

January 2007 - San Remo, Italy

Due to Limone's great position less than 2 hours by train,from the ocean, we were able to take a day trip to San Remo and absorb some warmth from this small seaside town.
San Remo has a lovely promenade all along the sea shore.
San Remo was once a winter home for Russian czars. They left behind some beautiful orthodox churches.

San Remo is also known for it's grand white casino, perched on a hill overlooking the ocean and visible from just about any point on the sea shore.
San Remo also has lovely colorful churches and buildings. The colors are so vibrant against the blue sky giving the whole town a sunny cheerful look even on a dreary day.

The town is made up of a medieval section and a French baroque section. The medieval section is only residential now and there are no real sites to see, but the baroque section has great architecture and color. We spent our day strolling the narrow winding streets. The shopping in San Remo is endless and the prices were great, as it seemed the whole town was on sale.

Given the limited room in our luggage and the need to remain light for our future travels, we resisted the sales and returned to Limone empty handed.

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