Sunday, August 13, 2006

August 2006 - Rome, Italy - Day 6

Our luggage arrives just in time for our first Saturday night baby!!! We get all dolled up and hit the town. we strolled from Trastevere all the way to Piazza del Popolo (located at the southern end of Borghese park pedestrianized oval square with a centered ancient Egyptian obelisk taken by Augustus when he conquered Egypt 2,000 years ago and 2 neo-classical domed churches on either side as you enter the piazza) and through the shopping district on Via Babuino.

We followed our noses and discovered a small traditional restaurant (Ristorante Edy) located on a small side street. It appears that Edy's son runs the restaurant as he unenthusiastically sat us and took our order. That's why Edy comes out of the kitchen every 5 minutes and checks on you. Her clothes are stained with sauce and her hair is messily pulled back but she still does rounds in the restaurant and checks up on her son. Then they bark orders at each other. Edy like a classic Italian mother reveres her son and vice versa, but she has to check up on him. As we have learned here, people believe that Jesus must have been an italian man because his mother believed he was God, he believed his mother was a virgin and he lived at home with her until he was 30. Edy's food tasted completed homemade and dessert - a warm ricotta cheescake with dollops of chocolate - was a wonderful eating experience.

After dinner, we strolled through the Spanish Steps, the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona and Campo dei Fiori on our way back to Trastevere over the Ponte Sisto.

All of the squares and the bridge were full of people of all ages strolling, drinking and talking.

We ended the night with a drink at a Brazilian bar in our neighborhood which is quite the hot spot. As we sat outside we witnessed the Vigili di Fuoco (fire men) in action. They cruised down the narrow street in a calm manner as onlookers squeezed themselves against the sides of the buildings to let the truck through, then they jumped out of the truck and slowly put on their fire fighting suits, strolled around the building looking for a fire as the five-alarms blared , gave up, climbed back into the fire truck and smoked a couple of cigarettes before heading back to the station.

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