Sunday, June 03, 2007

April 2007 - San Gimigniano, Italy - Oh So Many Towers

After our weekend in Southern Tuscany, we headed to San Gimigniano to see the amazingly preserved medieval towers.

We had a beautiful drive to San Gimigniano through the Crete Senesi - part of Tuscany known for clay hills as well as grass hills and great wild flowers. We also saw tons of sheep.

Medieval towers like these dominate the town's skyline. There are so many of these towers still standing tall that they appear to be skyscrapers in the distance as you approach the town by car.

The towers were formerly used by the town's inhabitants for protection from invaders from other nearby Tuscan towns. Clearly they dealt with a lot of invasions.

It's nearly impossible to take a picture without a tower in the background.

And from the top of the towers, there are spectacular views of Tuscany and particularly, the Vernaccia vineyards.

Our hotel room, located in a medieval building, looked right into the town's center square.

San Gimigniano's center square also contains a medieval well once used by most of its inhabitants for water collection. The gothic-arched windows in the red brick building behind Casandra are from our hotel room.

The town is also known for very well preserved medieval streets with arches like the one here or narrow and winding with sturdy stone and brick buildings on either side.

Overall, this incrediby well-preserved town proved to be great for a daytrip into a time warp.The town is also known for very well preserved medieval streets with arches like the one here or narrow and winding with sturdy stone and brick buildings on either side.

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