Relatively modern chapel built over the foundations of the Church of St. Elena. You can see the foundations, including the fragments of the original mosaic floors through a large hole in the center of the chapel.
Church of Sant'AnastasiaConstructed from the late 13th Century to the 15th Century but the facade was never finished. This church is famous for the two hunchback statues supporting basins for holy water on their backs and Pisanello's fragmented fresco of St. George and teh Princess.
Behind Casandra you can see that except for the portal, most of the facade was never covered with marble or otherwise decorated.
Here's one of the two hunchbacks.
High Altar with stained glass windows around the central niche.
Colorfully decorated pointed arches supported by pink marble column, vaulted ceilings, and side aisle chapels.

Pisanello's St. George and the Princess
The Basilica of San Zeno Maggiore, dedicated to the patron saint of Verona, is a great example of Italian Romanesque architecture, with two bell towers, a slender one that seems to match the facade topped with a graceful pointed roof and a more squat one that looks medieval topped with crennalated battlements. It features two cloisters lined with double columns, Mantegna's San Zeno Triptych, a set of 49 paneled 11th Century bronze doors nicknamed "the poor man's Bible", and many frescoes painted upon older frescoes and graffiti painted or scratched on the walls as prayers in times of war or flooding during the 1300s.
Here's the west facade of the church, flanked by the two bell towers.
Colorful central niche behind the main altar, covered in simple, religious frescoes. You can also see the interesting wooden ceiling covered with geometric designs.
This is a split-level church with the main altar above and the crypt housing the remains of St. Zeno below (verrryy crrrrreeeppyy).
One of the two cloisters featuring a double-columned colonade.
Another view of that cloister with the bell tower above.
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