Tuesday, June 08, 2010

August 2007 - Getting up to the Alpi di Suisi

To get to the alpine meadow - Alpi di Suisi - each day, we took a short bus ride from Castelrotto to Suisi, the town at its immediate base.

Here we are before the bus ride.

We would head towards the base of those peaks to catch a gondoila up to the meadow.

Getting closer.
Here's the town of Suisi at the base of the Alpi di Suisi.

This is the town's main square.

We got on the gondola here.

and started heading up the mountain.

From the gondola we had great view of the town of Suisi . . .

and of the surrounding rolling hills.

I believe those peaks in the distance are those hovering over Castelrotto.

And here's a closeup.

We spotted these palomino horses grazing on the meadow below the gondola's path.

Here's a look up the mountain where we were headed pretty much each day we were in the region.

Halfway there . . . come on . . . we can make it.

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