Sunday, July 29, 2007

June 2007 - Bosa, Sardinia - Colorful Little Town

We headed out to Bosa to meet our friends Toby and Virginia for lunch. They flew in from London and were kind enough to bring Kenny's replacement Treo (remember we had a small crisis when he lost his Treo in Palermo), which Doreen was kind enough to ship to London from Miami.
Living abroad for a year requires a lot of favors and we are lucky and grateful for our incredibly helpful family and friends.
Kenny celebrated receiving his new Treo with an extravagant lunch. Kenny was clearly pleased with his aragosta (Sardinian spiny lobster) sweet and succulent like a Caribbean lobster. After picking this one out from several live specimens, Kenny ate it in a mild tomato sauce (alla Catalan). It is the national dish of (for those that can afford because at 90 euros/kilo it is quite a delicacy).
Bosa is a splash of pastels with an amazingly clear river running through the middle of it.
The two sides of town lined with manicured, riverside promenades ...
are connected with stone bridges all of which provides a lovely setting for a post lunch stroll. We needed after all that pasta.
To add to Bosa's charm, the river is lined with colorful fishing boats and the whole town is under the watch of the 12th century fortress, Castello Malaspina, behind us.
This river runs right into the turquoise ocean water that washes up on Sardinia's Northwest coast. These waters are thought to be the cleanest in all of Sardinia.

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