Sunday, July 29, 2007

June 2007 - Castelsardo, Sardinia - the North Coast

Castelsardo is a colorful town that sits oerched on a volcanic headland. The city was founded in 1102 by the aristocratic Doria family from Genoa.
The town is dominated by the medieval Castello which looks down upon it.
The north coast is known for its wind and avid sailors from all over the world come here to practice their hobby.
These harsh winds carve the granite landscape into dramatic shapes. One of the most popular is the Roccia dell'Elefante.
The rock resembles the profile of an elephant. Tourists pull their cars off the road and take turns posing with the elephant while locals zoom by and laugh.

Despite the strong winds, this coast is also known for having tranquil, clear waters like those in Lu Bagnu right across from our hotel.
The water was a little cold but the weather was incredibly hot and arid. Even Kenny was convinced to give the cold water a try.
The North coast also had some of the most beautiful sunsets we saw in Sardinia.From Lu Bagnu we could see small rock islands surrounded by a bright orange, then pink and finally purple glow.

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